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Cà Phê Blagu Hạt Đã Rang , Arabica Cầu Đất , Medium Roast, 250g

Cupping profile: Full body, slightly bitter, full aftertaste, slightly sour and medium strength.
Vùng trồng địa lý / Location Việt Nam
Mức độ rang / Roasting level Rang vừa
Thể trạng / Condition Hạt/ Bột Espresso
Phong cách thưởng thức / Enjoy style Espresso
Type Of Coffee Whole Bean
Price: ₫110,500 ₫130,000
In stock

Blagu Coffee Roasted Arabica CauDat

Cau Dat -Lam Dong provice within 25 km of Dalat city center, Lam Dong to the southeast, in the famous highlands of Vietnam. Lam Dong is considered a place had the best quality Arabica coffee in Viet Nam ever and Cau dat is considered paradise of Arabica coffee in Viet Nam (Da Lat – Lam Dong Province). By owning About the altitude and climatic conditions perfect for coffee, ground coffee for Very high amounts and abundant in flavor.

Type of Arabica coffees planted in Cau Dat have ability to to adapt to the climate and are rarely pests. Regional geology has the content of organic substances and high nutrients, because the region previously did not plant coffee, so the soil is more nutritious.
Arabica from Cau Dat highlighted by the combination of sour and bitter slightly. Coffee Arabica is suitable for starting a new day gently with a cup of coffee, and pleasant. You will never forget flavor coffee from Cau Dat, although you just try one time
Full body, slightly bitter, full aftertaste, slightly sour and medium strength.
Roasting level : medium
Bean Size: 18
Processing: wash process
BLAGU Coffee Roaster beans, Arabica Cau Dat, Medium Roast, 250g
Price: ₫110,500 ₫130,000
In stock
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